
Speeds on the Roads in the Parish

A summary of the speed monitoring on Pill and Easton-In-Gordano parish roads following the introduction of the 20 mph speed limit.

20 mph speed sign

The Parish Council has been looking at speeds on roads through the villages following the introduction of the widely supported 20 mph limit early last year.

In August and September last year we placed a smiley faced speed sign in eight places round the parish for a week at a time. The sign showed their speed. The sign records these speeds anonymously – no number plate data is recorded.

The results across all locations were:

Average Speed Approaching the Sign

Average Speed Approaching the sign was 23 mph

Vehicle Speeds

For every 250 vehicles

Speeds of Cars - 1 in 250 do over 40 mph, 10% do between 30 and 40, the rest do under 30.

The Parish Council has no powers to enforce speed limits but the results have been discussed with the relevant authorities for information and guidance on next steps.

If you wish to discuss this please speak to one of the parish councillors or contact us at