How the Parish Council works

Adopted 23/06/21

1. PEIGPC works in compliance with all relevant statutory requirements, the adopted Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and, when necessary, The Business Continuity Plan. Copies of all of these documents can be found on the PEIGPC website.

2. PEIGPC declared a full climate emergency on 25/03/2019 and will ensure that all actions and decisions in all meetings of committees and working groups will abide by that declaration.

3. PEIGPC is committed to equality and diversity and will ensure that all actions and decisions in all meetings of committees and working groups will demonstrate this commitment. 

4. PEIGPC usually holds full meetings each month (except August) with the agenda and all relevant papers sent out three working days before meetings and posted on the PEIGPC website.  Members of the public are welcome to attend and can make a timed presentation in the public participation session before the meeting starts. (See Standing Orders.)

5. After all full PEIGPC meetings, the Planning Committee, with powers to respond on behalf of PEIGPC, meets to consider and decide on recent planning applications. There are also four Finance and Personnel Committee Meetings a year. Reports from these committee meetings are presented at the next full PEIGPC meeting. Membership of these committees is reviewed and agreed every year and posted on the PEIGPC website.

6. Remaining PEIGPC business is conducted through working groups which meet during February, May, July and October and are formed around the priorities agreed at full PEIGPC meetings and in line with future plans. These working groups comply with requirements in 1, 2 and 3 above with members

of PEIGPC acting as Chair and Vice-Chair. Parish Council members join those groups which are of particular interest to them. Parish Councillor membership of all working groups is on the PEIGPC website. 

7. The working groups have their own terms of reference and are free to invite interested residents of the parish, who have the commitment and skills, to join their groups. This ensures that PEIGPC links closely with work that is already being done in the parish and avoids duplication. Working groups receive delegated budgets after submitting proposals for annual expenditure in November to PEIGPC and all financial transactions go through The Clerk and are fully compliant with Financial Regulations. (See 1 above.) Reports from working groups are either given at full PEIGPC meetings – or a written report provided – and posted on the PEIGPC website.

8. Current working groups reflect PEIGPC’s declaration to a full climate emergency.  They are: a) Environment and Climate Emergency (ECE) covering open spaces, biodiversity and carbon capture, food, energy and public engagement.  b) Highways & Transport (HT), covering traffic and railway issues, village speed restrictions, cycle paths, and footpaths & rights of way.  Working groups may appoint sub groups to facilitate effective action on specific topics.

9. The IT and Media (ITM) working group concentrates on improving PEIGPC’s communication meeting whenever necessary and sometimes in response to issues that need to be rapidly communicated via social media. Meeting and reporting arrangements described in 7 above also apply to this working group.

10.  All affiliated groups provide annual reports of their activities and finances. PEIGPC link representatives to external bodies also provide feedback from any relevant meetings.

11.  All arrangements in 1-10 above are reviewed annually.